Da gab es zum Neujahr mal was schönes für das RT82 Handgerät und das RT90 Mobilgerät. Hierbei kann jetzt auch 10.000 Kontakte & Digitalaufnahme oder 100.000 Kontakte gewählt werden. Auch die CPS ist in Version 1.22 verfügbar um alle Neuerungen zum steuern.

Es gibt noch MD9600 die den Plopp haben, diese können mit einer Hardwaremodifikation auf den neusten Stand gebracht werden. Wer ein solches Gerät hat möge, mich kontaktieren. Geräte der MD9600 mit eingeschränkter TX 144-146/430/440 können auch gefixt werden.

Alles in allem sind diese Änderungen und Fehlerbeseitigungen sehr gut und helfen wirklich weiter.


1、 Address the issue that radio display still lights when radios is turned off.
2、 Address the issue that radio didn’t receive when you change VFO from VHF into UHF and then into VHF again.
3、 Address the issue that some text message will be missing
4、 Address the issue when two bands are all UHF, the radios will be frozen some seconds when it accesses to repeater.
5、 Add another three radio ID, 4 radio IDs in total now and if you checked “Edit ID” box in the programming software, you can edit the first radio ID by manual, menu->utilities->radio info->my number-Edit, this function will make you easily to change radio ID.
6、 Address the issue that when you disable the sub band, if you change some setting or move to main band then move to sub band again, the sub band will be enabled again, so now you only can enable sub band by long press BACK key
7、 Add the function of auto power off and power off time setting
8、 add “the menu hang time” in to the menu, you can set the time to back to the menu
9、 Add the SQL level setting in the menu, there is 0-9 levels available, which works both Analog and digital mode.
10、 Add Mic gain setting in the menu, there are 1-6 levels available
11、 Add “zone done selection” in the sidekey, when you assigned the side key as “zone down”, you can use the key to choose the prior zone.
12、 Main band and sub band can be in the different zones now
13、 Priority transmission, there are four options, a.last channel, b. last channel + hang channel, c. designated channel, d. designated channel + hang channel
a.last channel: to transit with the last working channel
b. last channel + hang channel: to transit with the hang channel
c. designated channel: to transit with the current selected channel
d. designated channel + hang channel: : to transit with the hang channel
14、 Users can add the group call contact list in the menu
15、 Manual dial the new contact list, both private call and group call, press #, then input the new contact ID and then transmit.
16、 Address the issue that VHF cannot be access to repeater successfully when two bands are all in repeater mode, especially another band is UHF repeater mode
17、 MD-9600 has been updated into 100.000 contacts now
18、 Add 430-440/144-146MHz into the programming software
19、 Solve the issue that during receiving there is no audio out even these is signal coming in if transmitting part speak 40-50cm away from the microphone, which only appears when you use the firmware version 5.03.

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